Thanks for checking out my site.  The main purpose for this site is so I can personally document the journey of the restoration of the 1953 Allard Palm Beach.  Feel free to hop on over to the contact page to send me any questions or comments you may have.  In the meantime, let me introduce myself.

Like the title says, my name is Zach Allen.  I'm an Engineer for a major automotive company, where I started working in June of 2016.  I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2016.  I have liked cars for quite some time, but I started this project with very little experience actually working on them.  I’ve learned a ton so far, and I learn something new each day I work on this car - that’s half the fun!

The Allard, as I explained on The Project page, was inherited by my mother from her father upon his passing in 2002.  From the day my dad drove it to our house for the first time, I fell in love with the car.  It wasn't anything too special - there's no power and the styling is nothing to be impressed by - but I just thought the car was so cool!  I knew from Day 1 that I wanted to own this car.  A lot of cosmetic work is required, but right now I’m focusing on getting it back up and running and on the road.  

As I mentioned, I have almost no practical experience working on cars, let alone restoring a car from the 1950s.  Therefore, this journey is going to be one filled with learning - from watching YouTube videos, to scouring the Internet for ideas, to requesting support from the experienced individuals at The Allard Register and others involved with restoring old cars.  I'll be chronicling the restoration of this vehicle over on my Photos page so please peruse them at your desire.

Thanks again for checking out this site, and I hope you enjoy my perils and successes throughout this adventure.